Lawless Jerky

Phoenix, AZ

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Added 3 years ago
We founded Lawless Jerky because we care about what's in our food, where it comes from, and how it's made. Our 100% grass-fed beef takes longer to raise. Our handcrafted process demands careful precision. Our Braver Flavors® come from our bold and complex marinades. Like us, instead of blindly following convention, Lady Lawless bravely lifts her blindfold to forge her own path. We are America's Craft Jerky™. Proudly made in the USA, Lawless Jerky is America's Craft Jerky™. Over the past five years Lawless Jerky has grown from a simple apartment kitchen in Santa Monica, California into a state-of-the-art beef jerky facility in Chandler, Minnesota. Unlike almost all major beef jerky brands, Lawless Jerky's founder, Matt, still creates every flavor from scratch.

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